Engineer from Télécom Paris
Ph.D Thesis from UPMC
Network & Security IT - MI
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IP phone to analog phone or modem audio interface circuit
Be careful, this story could happen to you ... as it just has happened to me. But do not worry, here it is the workaround: my IP phone to analog phone/modem audio interface circuit that could also be named back-to-the-20th-century audio interface circuit !
At work, I connected my 19€ analog DECT (Logicom Vega 200) to this Alcatel 4028 IP phone:

The module is based on an hybrid transformer circuit. The schematic follows:

Special components:
- the transformer is a 600:600 ohms transformer (also named 1:1 ratio 600 ohm transformer) : more or less the same number of turns on both primary and secondary coils, and optimized to work at 600 ohms load. Selectronic sells one here. I measured the primary and secondary coils on the one from Selectronic: about 75 mH inductance and 50 ohms resistance.
- the variable resistors need to be fine tuned for operating at best impedance match with the IP phone. The one near the IP phone speaker will probably need to be tuned at a high value (about 10K ohms); it directly controls the amplification of the signal you ear. The other needs to be very low since it is only here to attenuate the level at which your voice is sent to the IP phone, since the microphone you replaced with this module probably sends a lower signal than this module.
- the UA741 is a low-cost operational amplifier.
- the two 100 ohms resistors will dissipate about 600 mW each : avoid using those standard low-cost half watt resistors (or use 150 ohms standard ones instead...).
- the two 300 nF capacitors (and their associated resistors) act as high-pass first order filters (Fc is about 300 Hz) to eliminate noise and perform echo cancellation.

Creative Labs Sound Blaster Extigy transfer function

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External Links:
My Former Web Site
Since 04/26/01, I maintain a web site named Since I made many updates recently, click here to access the original content, where old informations are kept. The photo is also from 2001 :-)
Agnes' Web Site
Agnes, my wife, used to maintain a web server but she doesn't anymore. Thus, this pointer is disabled. However, you may contact her on LinkedIn.
Canardou's Web Site
Canardou has always been for me a friend that really matters, helping me in every situation. According to informations currently available, Canardou could be affected by the H5N1 virus. So, for a few weeks, Public Health Bird Regulations have made me forbid Canardou to walk away from our appartement. Feel free to take news about him from his personal home page.