Network 3D WiFi Tools Features

Network 3D WiFi Tools is supported on any iPhone, iPad, iPod running iOS 15 or higher, and on any new Mac computer running any Apple silicon SoC. The interface layout depends on the type of device: phone, tablet or computer.

Swiss Army Knife for Network Scanning

Network 3D WiFi Tools is an app toolbox with a lot of network tools that are not otherly available from web servers on the Internet. Although you do not need an app to resolve a DNS name, request a Whois database or map an IP address to its geographic location, you absolutely need an app to estimate the local network latency or throughput, to discover connected devices and open ports on the local network, etc. This is the aim of Network 3D WiFi Tools to provide you with a network app that implements amazing tools that can not be replaced by Internet services.


Main Features

  • WiFi network analyzer tools,
  • build a heatmap of your local wireless network,
  • discover all devices connected to the local network,
  • scan and discover every open TCP ports on local or remote devices,
  • measure latency with local and remote devices,
  • measure ingress and egress throughput with other local devices running this app,
  • measure ingress and egress throughput with any TCP CHARGEN/DISCARD server,
  • measure ingress and egress throughput with the Internet,
  • run a TCP/CHARGEN service on your device,
  • run a TCP/DISCARD service on your device.


Run also on latest Mac Computer

This app runs on any Mac computer running any Apple silicon SoC. Moreover, you can download Network 3D WiFi Tools from the Mac App Store, at no charge if you already have downloaded Network 3D WiFi Tools on the App Store for your mobile device. You can also buy Network 3D WiFi Tools directly on the Mac App Store for the same price as the iOS version.


Sources on GitHub!

This app is a professional-grade commercial software, with advanced support. Although, the whole bunch of sources is available on GitHub here: This does not mean it is a free software. As an independant programmer, I need an income to continue to produce quality software, but I also want to share ideas and tricks with other programmers since we all share the same open-minded values in our large community of modern engineers. Therefore, you can not redistribute the sources nor compile the app to distribute the binary, but you have the opportunity to read the sources in order to learn how to build such an application, or to understand the algorithms and technologies introduced by this app, at no charge even if you do not buy the app. This app is developed with the Swift language (~90% of the app) and the C language (~10% of the app). The master GUI of the app is developped with UIKit (see sources in this directory). The heat map builder, the node informations view and the log panel are developped with SwiftUI (see sources in this directory). The smooth dynamic rolling chart is developped with SpriteKit (see sources in this directory).


Review From Our Users


This app offers a huge number of functionalities, and yet remains not difficult to use. No configuration needed, great integration of the tools : just explore the graphical user interface, the embedded help messages will provide useful insights whenever needed ! Worth every penny it costs !

Image AgnesLF, — App User


Idée et réalisation au top! Sans parler du site web et du code source… tout y est! La classe!!! J’adore. Quelques remarques: Peut-être une petite indication sur la (non?) conservation des données serait top. Sur iPhone lors de la création de la heatmap, il n’est pas possible de voir le commentaire sur fond gris entièrement. De plus le léger clignotement est légèrement désagréable 😅 Un petit tuto sur comment orienter la carte serait un nice to have 🤗

Image Tyco95, — App User

Très pratique pour bidouilleurs et experts réseaux

La caisse à outil de tout expert réseau, avec des fonctions qu’on ne trouve que dans cette app : implémentation d’un serveur chargen et d’un serveur discard sur votre iPhone (!), affichage d’une heat map de couverture WiFi, débits locaux en plus des débits Internet, affichage des infos Bonjour/mDNS des autres hôtes du réseau local (top pour découvrir les appareils domotiques sur votre réseau perso), etc. L’outil réseau le plus éclectique sur iOS, et en plus téléchargeable gratuitement sur le Mac App Store une fois que vous l’avez acheté sur iOS !!!

Image eowyn94, — Developer

Start scanning networks, building heatmaps...