THIS DOCUMENT IS OBSOLETE. Please, see the update of this document, on the new Alexandre Fenyo's web site

1- «Raccorder
son réseau d'entreprise à l'Internet» - Alexandre Fenyö, Frédéric Le Guern, Samuel Tardieu - Ed. Eyrolles, 520 pages + CD-Rom for
Mac/PC/Unix, February 1997.
2- «Conecte su red local a
Internet» - Alexandre Fenyö, Frédéric Le Guern, Samuel Tardieu - Ed. Eyrolles/GESTIÓN 2000, 440 pages (Spanish
translation of «Raccorder son réseau d'entreprise à l'Internet»), February

3- «La machine MPC» - Pierre David, Jean-lou
Desbarbieux, Alexandre Fenyö, Alain Greiner, Jean-Jacques Lecler, Frédéric
Potter, Vincent Reibaldi, Franck Wajsbürt and Belkacem Zerrouk - Calculateurs Parallèles, Réseaux et
Systèmes répartis, réseaux à haut débit de stations pour le support
d'applications parallèles et réparties, vol.10/nb.1 - feb 1998.
4- «Le
fonctionnement de l'Internet, architecture, routage» - Tribunix no 57, sept/oct 1994.

5- «Noyau de
communication sécurisé pour la machine parallèle MPC» - Alexandre
Fenyö, Pierre David, Alain Greiner - Proceedings of RenPar'10, Strasbourg, France,
june 1998.
6- «SmartHSL : An
Evaluation Board for the IEEE 1355 Technology» - Jean-Jacques
Lecler, Alexandre Fenyö, Alain Greiner, Frédéric Potter - European
Multimedia, Microprocessor Systems and Electronic Commerce Conference and
Exhibition (EMMSEC'97), Florence, Italy, November 1997.
7- «The MPC Parallel Computer : Hardware, Low Level Protocols and Performances» - Amal Zerrouki, Olivier Glück, Jean-lou Desbarbieux, Alain Greiner, Franck Wajsbürt, Alexandre Fenyo, Cyril Spacevski - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS'2000), Las Vegas, USA, November 2000.
Accès au manuscrit de ma thèse disponible en Postscript et Acrobat/PDF, résumé, mots-clés, etc.
Two friends of mine and I have written a book on how to connect a LAN to the
Internet :
Raccorder son réseau d'entreprise à
l'Internet |
FENYÖ, Frédéric Le GUERN, Samuel TARDIEU,
Published on
february 1997 by Ed.
520 pages + CD-Rom for Mac/PC/Unix.
Conecte su red local a
Internet |
FENYÖ, Frédéric Le GUERN, Samuel TARDIEU,
published on february 1998 by Ed. Eyrolles/GESTIÓN 2000,
440 pages.
Contents (a full description in french is available here
- the full
table of content is also available):
- The different steps to connect a LAN to the Internet (modem, RNIS, X.25,
leased lines, TCP/IP, PPP...),
- understanding and configuring the basic services : DNS (Domain Name
System), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), NNTP (News servers and
- The World Wide Web : HTML (HyperText Markup Language), HTTP (HyperText
Transfer Protocol), CGI (Common Gateway Interface), installing and configuring
servers and proxies,
- The Multicast Backbone : the concepts, configuring the routing protocols
and daemons, installing and using the video and audio multicast applications,
- Security on the Internet : the Firewall model, building access control
lists, software to validate and improve security, cryptography,
- Many other things I don't have enough time to write here (buy it, you'll
love it !).